video test

Every MaxxMMA ® product has undergone a long period of research and development, as well as enhancements and testing before being marketed. Every day our product's designers are committed to giving MaxxMMA ® new idea input into this traditional industry.
We always ask ourselves, will I use this product? Will I buy it? Will I be satisfied? For each new product, we, as designers, are also will be the first users, through our personal experience we can find that this product is not perfect and needs to be improved.
It is precisely in this way that MaxxMMA ® dares to challenge, a traditional industry that has not undergone innovation for decades; dare to promise that the water-gas sandbag liner is guaranteed for three years, and the remaining products are guaranteed for ten years. MaxxMMA ® gives you the best!
Commissioned R&D
We have a comprehensive R&D team
Helps customer refine their product design.
Initiative R&D
We have created a series of
patented products of next generation
A complete R&D system includes strategic and applicable R&D.
Initiative R&D is strategic which concerns long-term planning.
R&D for a New Freestanding Heavy Bag
Traditional freestanding heavy bags always have a bouncing base and a neck not adjustable. We developed a new structure to solve these problems. Simulation software was used for the preliminary analysis of our ideas.

R&D for a New Freestanding Heavy Bag
Materials must go though a series of tough test before being used on the product. The above shows our spring made of a new material under a test. Our production process was verified and improved though these test results.

The specially made test machine automatically tested the durability of flexibility adjusting component of our reflex bag. It has been bended for over 120,000 times at the same point without any problem. The material design and quality have been proven.
Boxing is a strenuous and exhaustive sport. Durablility test by humans usally takes a really long time. So we developed tireless robots copying human punches over 300lbs to continuously test our products.

This is one of test reports from our test team at gym. Besides test for durability, we also collect experiences and comments from users in the test.

Research Center
The following is the introduction to R&D institutions we work with,
whose facilities and faculties are able to fully support our experimental analysis of R&D program.

An Introduction to the Research Center for Micro/Nanotechnology
The Research Center started developing micro/nanotechnologies since 2001. In order to promote the micro/nanotechnologies to the Mechanical Engineering, Automation Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering, the Research Center for Micro/Nanotechnology was formed in 2005.
Currently, the Research Center for Micro/Nanotechnology comprises 30 full-time and part-time research faculties including a director, a deputy director, an executive officer and a secretary general from 8 different engineering departments.
Advanced facilities and Labs
There are 13 laboratories in the Research Center for Micro/Nanotechnology.
Advanced facilities such as AFM, nanoindenter, RF sputter, Pulsed DC sputter, SEM, TG/DTA and etc. are equipped and cost over 40 million NT$ in total.